The week started off with a bang. I had to go a bit early to pick up my media pass, as I was unable to during the weekend, and with that I received a goodie bag with really cool stuff inside (but honestly I think the bag itself was my favourite part!). Since I was early, I got to just hang out until it was time to go in for the first show. It was amazing watching everyone mingle and take photos outside the tents.

The very first show of the week was Sid Neigum, and you know when you're out shopping for something specific and you fall in love with the first thing you see, but you keep looking anyways, and at the end of the day you end up buying the first piece because it was still your favourite? That's how I felt about Sid's show. It was so tranquil and mesmerizing, with the very simple, laser cut pieces, in super simple tones (white, grey, and black). There was live harp music being played and the pace and volume went along with the looks. The garments started off in a white hue, long and flowy, and the music was soft and lullaby-esque. Then, the transitional grey garments came out, in a bit of a tougher fabric, while the music got a bit louder and faster. Finally, the garments turned to black, and were mostly shorter (the skirts), and a bit torn and distressed, while the music got even louder and faster. The whole show felt like the audience was in a dream state, and as I said before, it was my favourite throughout the day!

The Pink Tartan show I am officially renaming "That 70's Show", because that show was filled with fringed and tasseled pieces in full white and then black outfits. There were flared pant legs, open backs with sashes tied at the neck. And then came the uber 70's prints! If I had to describe Pink Tartan's Spring line in two words, they would be "sophisticated boho".
(Three left photos from
(Three right photos from
I love the start up and awards shows where there's a panel of judges, a handful of finalists, and the winner is chosen on the spot and basically awarded great help (in the form of a bursary and mentorship) to get their business and designs off the ground. I did a degree in Entrepreneurship and so I know how hard it is to really get something going, and how important it is to have such influential people supporting you.
And it's great for the audience because we get to see little snippets of the finalist's collections. Sid Neigum showed for this again, and as I said before, he was still my faouvrite. He even won the Mercedes-Benz Start Up contest!
(The other finalists)
(The winner, Sid Neigum (middle) with two of his models)
Joe Fresh was supposed to show on the runway at 9pm, and when we got to the tents that day the show wasn't on the schedule. He ended up having a party instead of a runway show, and it was invite only so unfortunately I wasn't able to go (I had such FOMO going through Instagram). But I did spot Mr. Mimran front row at the Pink Tartan show (obviously), and because the day ended earlier than planned, there was time for a delicious dinner with some pretty awesome girls, so it wasn't a total disappointment.
(All photos are from me, unless otherwise indicated)