Tuesday, May 19, 2015

long weekend highlights

(My Grandparents, cousins, and I in front of the Festival Theatre in Stratford)

I was fortunate enough to have this entire weekend off, and since it was a long weekend for Victoria Day, that ended up being Friday-Monday with absolutely no work. And since I worked the whole weekend last weekend, you can imagine how excited I was to just sit back and relax.
Most of the weekend was spent either running errands, spending time with friends, or just relaxing and catching up on TV shows, but the part of the long weekend I really wanted to share with you (and share pictures of) was when I went to Stratford on Saturday. My Grandparents, two of my cousins, and I went for the day to see The Sound of Music performed at the Festival Theatre there.

It was my first time being in Stratford, and I have to say, the area surrounding the theatre was the cutest and prettiest little town. I love the big city, but there's something about small towns that just have such a cozy and friendly feeling, and this place was no exception. We ate a picnic lunch down by the Avon River, which was just down the road from the theatre. The weather was a bit chilly, and the sky was pretty grey while we ate, but the river still looked so peaceful and nice. There were swans and geese around, and the cutest little bridge going across the river. 

Finally, as we made our way over to the theatre, the sun came out for a bit and I was able to take some great pictures of the beautiful garden in the front of the theatre. The play was amazing (The Sound of Music is my all time favourite movie, and the actors were incredible), and I had such a lovely day with my family. I can't wait to go back later in the summer, on a warmer and sunnier day, and hopefully have the whole day to just walk around and get to know the town of Stratford, Ontario. I hope you all had a great weekend, and have a fantastic week!

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