Wednesday, March 18, 2015


I'm constantly on the lookout for apps and organizational tricks that will make looking at my clothes and putting outfits together a lot easier, and also fun. So when a friend told me about the app Stylicious I instantly downloaded it and got started. In short, the app lets you create outfits using your own clothes. And the reason I'm telling you about this app when I am, is that it's been so convenient lately to help me plan my outfits for World MasterCard Fashion Week!

Basically, you take photos of each piece in your closet, including footwear, accessories, bags, etc. and add them to your "clothes" on the app. It may take you at least a few days to do this, depending on how much clothes you own (I've already spent about three days taking photos, and have still not even finished my closet; I still have drawers and shoe boxes full of stuff left!). You may want to start with the clothes you wear very often, or the clothes you have trouble styling so that you can start thinking of how to style them.

You can add information to an item when adding it to your clothes, like where the garment is from, the size, style, and other miscellaneous notes. You can also rearrange the order of your garments, and delete items you no longer wear or may want to get rid of. A really great side effect of using Stylicious for me has been that in going through each and every piece in my closet I have gotten rid of and donated so many things that I no longer wear, and had actually forgotten that I owned.

(Item Info)



Once you have taken pictures of all of your clothes (or all the clothes you want on the app, at least; again, this is very time consuming so you may also want to do it over a period of time, while still being able to play around with the clothes you already have on your app), you can start creating outfits. You can search your clothes by category and subcategory, and once you're done adding all the pieces you want to a certain look, you can make notes about the outfit, such as what occasion you want to wear this for and other miscellaneous notes. And one of my favourite things about this app is that you can actually add it to a calendar, and schedule when you want to wear this outfit.



It's such a cool and fun way to play around with clothes you own, especially new purchases that you want to brainstorm outfits for, or old ones that you want to start incorporating into outfits again. There are endless ways to use this app, like planning outfits for an event, to just messing around if you're bored. 

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