Thursday, January 16, 2014

Post-Holiday Workout Funk

A lot of people's New Year's resolutions include getting into shape- whether it involves going to the gym more, eating healthier, or just eating less (portion control is actually a great and very effective way to lose weight). But while this wasn't one of my resolutions this year, it's something I try to live by all year-round.

I am usually very good about going to the gym every week, but we all have those times where we just can't do it (usually when work, school, or our social lives are just kicking our asses and we have no time). This holiday break was one of those times for me (except it was mostly just laziness!). For times like those, here are some tips for staying in shape and working out in other ways.

Do workouts at home
If you just can't get to the gym for some reason (or you're too lazy, like me) there are things you can do at home so you don't wind up not doing any weights or physical activity that day. If you have a treadmill, elliptical, or another cardio machine at home, get on that! Even if you just do a couple sets of crunches or push-ups for 5 minutes, do it!

If the problem is that you have too much work to do to workout, you can work while you workout. I know I've done countless readings for school while doing cardio. It also makes you feel more accomplished that you got both of those things done. There's also these awesome treadmill desks you can get now, so doing work on the treadmill is more comfortable and you have more room.

Another great way to get some cardio into your day is to go for a bike ride or run/jog. You can go around your block, on a trail, or make up your own route, for as long or short a time as you like.
I personally find it a bit boring to run on a treadmill, but unfortunately I live in Canada where it's pretty much impossible to run outside in the winter, so I always take advantage of the weather and months where I can ride my bike or run outside.

It's always good to keep free weights at home. You can buy them pretty much anywhere, and they're cheap so it's not not worth it (if, let's say, you're already paying for a gym membership). You can do your own routines, or each months Cosmopolitan shows you how to do workouts at home. They show you routines with and without weights, so you can take your pick, but the one thing that's great about these workouts is that you can do them from home or at the gym, it doesn't matter.

(January (top) and February (bottom) 2014 issues of Cosmopolitan)

Don't snack (or snack healthy)
I know for me that when I'm just sitting at home watching tv in the family room or doing work at the dining room table, I tend to snack a lot since the kitchen is right there (I'm usually binge watching shows on Netflix). So if you can, try to avoid being in those rooms for long periods of time where you have easy access to the kitchen (try doing work or watching tv in your room or even basement).

But if you must, or just really want to be in those vicinities, try to keep healthier stuff in the kitchen to snack on during those times. Things like fruit or veggie trays have easy access for munching and are great to keep in the fridge. Especially since you're likely to be continuously reaching your hand in to grab more while you're just sitting on the couch with your mind somewhere else, and it's hard to keep track of how much you're eating.

How do you stay on track when you're crunched for time?

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