Sunday, November 24, 2013

Taking It To The Streets

For a school assignment at the beginning of September I had to sit in a crowded public place for a few hours and observe the trends that a lot of people were wearing. The main trend I was the grunge/punk style of the 90s. The grunge music trend actually started in the mid 1980s, and was a mix of punk and metal, and by the 90s became a very popular style of hard rock music. Even though it's a few months later, I decided to turn this school assignment into a blog post, since I've still been seeing a significant amount of this trend on the streets since you can wear it into winter (with tights of course), and as you will read below, I believe it will be back for the spring.

The crowded place I chose to observe the trends was on the subway, and I saw a lot of the following, which are all aspects of the grunge/punk style:

  • Plaid and tartan, but in the traditional red, and red and navy pattern
  • A lot of denim
  • Band t-shirts
  • Hats and tuques
  • LGD (little grunge dress); characterized by the baby doll top and waist and flared out skirt

Because fashion is very cyclical and history tends to repeat itself, this trend has actually reappeared in the recent past, in the spring of 2010, 2011, and 2012. The following are pictures of the trend from these years:




I think the grunge/punk trend was definitely back for 2013, and this time it found it’s way right into fall wardrobes, as well as spring. It also seems (from looking at these pictures) that each year the trend gets more and more masculine. The first year it was very feminine with the floral dresses, and by 2013, it has become very baggy sweatshirts and jackets and darker colours. As long as enough people will still wear this trend, I think it will still continue for at least a few more years, before a more feminine trend begins or this one starts to become more feminine again. A trend can’t continue in the same form for too long (masculine style).


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